Sanjo Kinfusa (三条公房)

Kinfusa SANJO (1179 - September 23, 1249) was a Kugyo (court noble) who lived during the Kamakura period. Sanjo family was the Kaninke-ryu (the Kanin line) of the Northern House of the Fujiwara clan, and was the seigake (the second highest family status for court nobles). His father was Sanefusa SANJO, a Sadaijin (Minister of the left). His mother was the daughter of FUJIWARA no Tsunemune. Other than Kiminobu ANEGAKOJI, Kinuji OGIMACHISANJO, Kinkane SANJO, and Kintoshi SANJO as his younger brothers, there were Koen and Kintake who became the Tendai-zasu (head priest of the Tendai sect), and Kinshin who became the Ishiyama-zasu (head priest of the Ishiyama sect). His wife was a daughter of Tadachika NAKAYAMA. His children included Sanechika SANJO, Sanehira SANJO, 実雲, 実誉, Yushi SANJO (empress of Emperor Gohorikawa, Ankimonin), mother of the Cloistered Prince Shojo (consort of the Emperor Gosaga), and wife of Tadaie KUJO. He was referred to as Shokoku JODOJI, and made bases for the Sanjo Family to become the Seiga family.

He was conferred a peerage in January, 1183. After being Tono Chujo (the first secretary's captain), he was appointed as Gon Chunagon (a provisional Middle Counselor) in March, 1200. He was promoted afterwards, and became Naidaijin (minister) in December, 1215. Under Emperor Juntoku, he was appointed as Juichii Dajo Daijin (Junior First Rank Grand Minister of state) in 1218. He presented a letter of resignation and retired in 1221. He became a priest in September, 1235, and made his homyo (a name given to a person who enters the Buddhist priesthood) as Kujaku. On August 16, 1249 he died at the age of 71.

[Original Japanese]